Luke About Blog Projects

Ticket to ride

Ok, so I'm sitting on a bus, rather bored, thinking of something to do, when I remember that I have a blog that should be updated somewhat more regularly than it has been so far. Nah, I'll do it tomorrow....

Just kidding, I've almost had enough of making stupid excuses. I'm not quite totally finished yet, but almost. So here we go, my recount of the trip so far, and the promise of intention of continuing into the future, at least for the trip.

1st of May: day of departure
I woke up at 7 o'clock to prepare to leave at 8:30. This sounds like plenty of time, until you realise/remember that I'm the master of procrastination. I still hadn't packed my bag, after 3 weeks of playing silly bugger, watching tv on my laptop and trying to learn ableton live 9(a professional music production program) whenever I had free time. I still should have had enough time, right? Surely one and a half hours is enough time to pack a few clothes into a bag. Again, I underestimated my own powers of procrastination. After 45 minutes of extra sleep/contemplation of the month ahead, I got out of bed and went to make breakfast. Somehow it took me 30 minutes to make an egg and some toast(vegemite of course, the breakfast of champions.) Then I had a shower and sat down to pack with 5 minutes before we were meant to leave. I can tell you right now, 5 minutes isn't enough time to pack for a month long trip. Luckily I'm in Venezuela, where nobody is ever on time and no one expects you to be on time. So it takes me 20 minutes to pack, then wait for another 20 minutes for some other exchange students to arrive, and finally leave for the port at 9:15.

After a cool but uneventful ferry trip with the three girls from Margarita, I arrived in Puerto la Cruz. We weren't leaving until the next day, so we stayed at the houses of the other exchange students in Puerto la Cruz. I went to the french guy's house and stayed there with him and another student from Sweden. We played soccer with some locals and it was pretty fun.